Friday, September 19, 2008

Fan crew out in Texas to search for Ike victims

Who? At least 3 million people

Who is involved? Houston
fire department members

Who does/did the situation affect?
Houston people

What? Hurricane Ike weakened to a tropical depression as it headed across western Arkansas.

What is happening?
Hurricane Ike is make a landfall on the Texas golf coast, smashing houses flooding thousands of homes blowing out windows in Houston's skyscrapers, and cutting off power to more than 3 million people!!!

What did happen?
Hurricane Ike is being blamed for 2 deaths.

What are the choices? To rescue as many people as possible before being trapped in their homes,waiting for days to be rescued.

When? For the next week or more....

Where did or will this happen? In Houston Texas

Rescuers will continue to search for victims they have already rescued 940 people in Texas of people stranded in their homes. "This is the largest search-and-rescue operation in the history of the state of Texas." Some emergency officials were angry and frustrated that so many people ignored the warnings. I feel that people should have left when they had a chance they had enough time, they heard all the warning, and know their living with the after math of hurricane Ike....

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